Esther, our English language assistant

Esther, our English language assistant

3f interviewed our new English assistant. Here’s their report:

Esther is a young woman from the USA. Some days ago she was in our class and told us a little bit about herself.

Esther was born on Deer Island. That’s a small island off the coast of Maine. She’s 23 years old and has one older brother. She hasn’t got a pet but her parents have some chicken.

Esther studied in New York. She said it’s a really big city and all the people there are so busy.

She’s in Austria because she wants to become an English teacher.

Her favourite food is Lasagne but she also likes Schnitzel. Blue is her favourite colour. Esther’s favourite animal is the seal (Perhaps because she was born on a small island?).

Esther’s hobbies are hiking and biking, so Austria is the perfect country for her because there are so many mountains and also many cycling paths next to rivers. She asked us, “Do you know any great places for riding a bike?“ We suggested some different places where she could ride her bike. When we told her she could walk up the Großglockner our English teacher asked us, “Do you want to kill her?“.

She also likes music. Singing and playing the guitar are some of her hobbies. Her favourite band is “Mumford and Sons“.

She is going to stay in Austria for a year or two.

We really like Esther because she is very nice and funny.
